BNSN’s proprietary Promptless AI™ removes the need for prompts entirely. Simply cut, paste, or type a few words, click a button, and out comes A-list quality sales copy.

BNSN mirrors persuasion patterns from some of the most lucrative sales copy pieces ever written. This helps ensure your final sales copy has what it needs to convert.

BNSN leverages the fastest AI models, including our own for creating Marketing Blueprints–words that sell your offer–from at little as 30 words…all in less than 30 seconds.
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High cheekbones
Talk about killer features – BNSN has features that make a supermodel blush with envy, including….
There’s a reason that “Chat Copy” sucks. Yet virtually every AI app out there relies on it. You get lame, robotic-sounding copy that doesn’t convert. Sounds like a cheap car salesman.
BNSN is wildly different. Why? Because it’s foundation is what we call Blueprints. Blueprints give you all the key words and phrases needed to sell to your ideal buyer. All about their pain points, hopes, dreams, past frustrations, and more. Plus all about you, and how your offer solves those problems, and promises a solution.
See copy you love? Maybe a killer email…a sales letter lead…even an entire webpage? Pop it into BNSN and get it back in seconds… uniquely edited in your voice for your offer.
BNSN decodes the persuasion patterns in any piece of copy and matches them to your offer’s blueprint. The result is astonishing copy in seconds that combines what you love with what BNSN knows works to convert and persuade.
Instantly create entire sequences, sales letters, webinars, VSLs, and more… all with frameworks BNSN knows convert the best. Frameworks are complex patterns of copy – unique phrasing, NLP, persuasion triggers, and more. Why mess with all that complex stuff when you can click a button?
BNSN has been populated with some of the most lucrative frameworks any business needs. From social media ads to entire sales funnels, you’ll find it all within our project creator.
Need to tweak some copy? Just select from our Refiners…just a click and your copy is finely-tuned to your sales frequency.
We believe you should get more than access to the world’s most potent sales copy creator. We believe you should be able to chat with it’s creators as well.
In fact, we value your input, and actively ask for it. Our desire is to make BNSN the only choice when it comes to getting sales copy that converts…and to do that means we actively seek your input. Plus, let’s face it – it’s kinda cool to hang out with superstar marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs, isn’t it?

BNSN’s copy and frameworks have been finely tuned to create a much more personal, rapport-based feel to your copy.

BNSN stores all of your copy in easy-to-access project files. No more hunting around for your output. Easy to edit and refine.

Need a fresh set of emails or follow-up content? Turn to BNSN and simply click a few buttons. Super easy to update.

Okay…not “Deus”…but my brain is kinda in the machine. Fortunately for you, it’s not just my brain. It’s the brain of almost 100 of the world’s finest copywriters and marketers. And growing by the day.
I’m Jon Benson. And yes, BNSN is pronounced like my last name. Sure, sure, that’s a tad arrogant…but you have to admit, pretty cool too. Honestly, the name just kinda stuck. People loved it, so we kept it.
I’m one of a handful of billion-dollar copywriters around today. That means the words I’ve written have earned over a billion dollars for my clients. Also, I created the VSL (Video Sales Letter) in 2006. So I guess you could say I know a bit about this whole “verbal persuasion” thing.
I set out to create an AI that could help me create VSLs faster. BNSN was born from that experiment. It soon exceeded VSLs and began doing things that even AI engineers didn’t think was possible. Not that we’re smarter than those guys – we were just naive enough to break some of the rules. Turns out, our anti-AI-establishment ways paid off for our customers.
BNSN’s top feedback from our customers is usually something like this: “This sounds nothing like ChatGPT.” Hey, I love ChatGPT. I used it this morning to find a restaurant near me and to transcribe a YouTube video. But it sucks at copywriting. AI ‘itself’, however, has tremendous promise in the sales copywriting world. It just needs a lot of hand-holding. And that hand-holding demanded software, as it’s way too tricky and painstakingly slow to do it by hand.
That said: we’re far from done. BNSN is still a baby. I won’t rest until I use it for virtually all my own copywriting…and I’m a pro. That’s the bar. It’s high. We’re not there yet – but we’re getting closer by the day. And right now, today, we’re miles ahead of everyone else. Feel free to see if that’s true for you as well.
BNSN is that software…and I’m proud it bears my name. Even without the vowels.
Damn copywriters…we never can spell.
Jon Benson
Founder/CEO/Head BNSNeer